pCloud Drive
Windows Mobile
pCloud Pass
pCloud Encryption
pCloud for Family
Web (34)
Web Help Center (34)
1. How can I upload files or folders?
2. How can I create a New Folder?
3. How can I sort my files?
4. How can I download files or folders?
5. How can I select multiple files at once?
6. How can I change my password?
7. How can I provide feedback?
8. How can I get more FREE space?
9. How can I get more space?
10. How do I share folders with other users?
11. How do I create an archive from a folder?
12. How do I move files?
13. How do I copy files?
14. How do I delete files?
15. How do I rename files or folders?
Mark a file/folder and select "Rename" from the more options menu (the three horizontal dots)
Enter a new name and confirm by clicking "Rename"
Was this answer helpful to you?
16. How can I generate a link for a file/folder?
17. How can I generate a file request?
18. How can I invite people to my folders?
19. Can I save files to my pCloud from folders shared with me?
20. How do I stop the access to a folder I have shared?
21. How do I stop a shared link?
22. How do I stop a file request?
23. How can I backup my content from other platforms to pCloud?
24. How to set up a Crypto Folder for Web?
25. What is Remote Upload?
26. How can I use Remote Upload?
27. How can I stop a backup in pCloud?
28. What files can I back up from my Google Drive account to pCloud?
29. How often will my backups be performed?
30. What is Remote Upload traffic?
31. How much Remote Upload traffic do I have?
32. How can I get more Remote Upload traffic?
33. What happens when I exceed my Remote Upload traffic?
34. What is the Public Folder?